Wednesday 29 June 2011


While I have no interest at all in the new ongoing Justice League International series, I'm eagerly awaiting the upcoming DC Retroactive JLI 90s issue reuniting Giffen, DeMatteis and Maguire on the team again (the one-shot also features a classic reprint, please be #23, please be #23!). Looking closely, it's another variation on the classic Justice League #1 cover, surely one of the most aped and emulated covers alongside fare such as Amazing Fantasy #15, Action #1 and Uncanny X-Men #1.

For no real reason, thought it might be fun to bung up a few variations of that classic cover...


Rol said...

Can you believe they gave the new JLI to Jurgens? The guy who killed the concept first time round? That's one final kick in the teeth to Giffen/DeMatteis fans from DiDio.

Nige Lowrey said...

Even though the Generation Lost series was less than enthralling, I was happy to see the announcement of an ongoing JLI title...til I saw the cover, and any interest I had went out the window. It's all Giff/DeM/Mag/Hyu for me...